Back in the Water: My Return to Surfing After 10 Years
Before getting into rock climbing, surfing was my thing! I haven’t really surfed at all in the last 10 years but now I’m back! Just wanted to share my experience to hopefully get you all psyched to dust of those boards/wetsuits and get back in the water!
Langhana: The Lightness That Comes From Releasing Your Burdens
Langhana is the Sanskrit word for lightness. This is the lightness that comes from releasing that which burdens us. When you learn to apply the concept of langhana to your breathing, you can make any practice highly transformative!
Testing a High-tech Cupping Therapy Device from Achedaway at Home
Testing this high-tech cupping therapy device from Achedaway has been an interesting experience. It definitely has been beneficial for relaxing my body/mind/emotions. I am new to cupping but certainly enjoying it so far!
Guided Meditation or Solo Practice: Which is Best for YOU?
This post takes a look at the main differences between guided meditation and solo practice, aka self-guided meditation. By the end of it, you’ll have a better understanding of how both can benefit you in different ways!
Awakening Transformative Fire: Agni Sara
Agni sara is one of the most helpful techniques I have ever learned. It can have a tremendous effect on overall energy levels and gives a wonderful boost to energy in meditation. I always make time for this, even if it’s the only thing I can do that day.