We Are Learning To Become Unlimited

I’ve come to understand the journey to enlightenment as being a process of releasing all thoughts, attitudes, feelings, and beliefs that prevent us from experiencing our True Nature — the Unlimited Self.

But is it really as simple as that?

If we want to free ourselves from limitation, we must hold to the truth of our unlimited nature at all times, no matter how many limited experiences we seem to be having personally or observing in others. By keeping our focus on the seemingly limited aspects of our lives, we only hold ourselves in the state of limitation.

If we do not allow ourselves to believe in more than we have experienced thus far, we will hold ourselves in a state of limitation indefinitely.

The Masters of every tradition agree that we have an unlimited source from which we can receive all good things. We do not need to try and make this happen, we need to stop preventing it from happening with our negative and limited thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs. This is not something that we do, it is done for us, by Universal Forces, as we learn to trust and allow it to happen.

The unfolding of this process is the natural result of making contact with our unlimited nature during meditation. It is the unfiltered experience of Self that moves us beyond our personal beliefs to experience the true nature of reality directly. This progressively deeper experience of Self is the only thing that can truly take us from hoping, wishing, and believing, to the realm of knowing that anything is possible. Faith and affirmations are stepping stones to, but not substitutes for, this inner experience.

Let’s take a moment to conceptualize the state of knowing your infinite potential. What would this feel like? Just imagine feeling an unlimited power within you, gladly and unconditionally supporting you in the realization of anything that would add meaning to your life. You feel the utmost trust in and gratitude for this power. You know that it will cause everything to unfold in the most wondrous way, with perfect timing. Concepts such as doubt or impatience no longer make any sense at all. You feel an overwhelming level of joy and gratitude as you release control and let the good times roll.

Now, just how much time do we spend each day feeling differently than that?!

Can you see just how often we have practiced limitation without realizing what we are doing?

Doesn’t this make you wonder what would happen if you were to permanently cast aside all doubts, worries, and negative beliefs?

Try this experiment for yourself: observe your mind over the course of an entire day and just notice how many times you feel doubt, disbelief, worry, or any other negative thoughts and emotions. Then, remember the words of a great Master, “According to thy faith, so be it unto thee.”

If you pay any attention at all to the thoughts and beliefs that most people hold, it should come as no surprise that the entire planet is overflowing with the “proof” of limitation! One of the biggest challenges we face is to learn to see this all simply as proof of limited beliefs, and nothing more. The fact that several billion people have never done a thing means nothing at all to one who KNOWS that they have an unlimited power flowing through them, calling them constantly to their highest potential.

It takes tremendous focus and willpower to hold to the truth of infinite potential in the face of present limitations. You have to realize yourself as one who exists in both the physical and non-physical realms simultaneously. We have to begin the journey of knowing who we really are.

The masters achieve complete freedom from limitation because they become consciously aware of the unlimited power flowing through them. By completely releasing all limited and negative concepts of Self, they allow the full force of their Universal Nature to express itself in an unhindered way. We deny ourselves this experience constantly by believing that we are limited.

Since we are all offering a variety of positive and negative thoughts each day, we are sending and receiving all kinds of mixed signals. Progress becomes complicated and challenging as many of these signals directly contradict one another. Without a steady stream of positive energy flow between us and the Universe, much physical effort is required to accomplish our goals. When we learn to hold ourselves in a constant state of belief and allowing, everything unfolds more smoothly. That’s the power of momentum.

All of the great breakthroughs and advances we have ever enjoyed as a species have come to us through those who believed that more was possible. Despite all evidence to the contrary, they went on in pursuit of their vision, with full faith in their ability to realize it. The Wright Brothers with their flying machines, Roger Bannister in breaking the 4-minute mile barrier, Thomas Edison with the lightbulb. Can you truly say that you have pursued your dreams with such an unshakeable faith that they are possible? Even though the whole world thinks you are crazy?

We have, as a whole, believed in limitation, and the Universal response has been unerringly consistent,

“So be it.”

But we can become as the Masters are. We can realize our Unity with all that is. We can awaken our awareness of the unlimited power that flows through us. We can cease to hold ourselves in a state of limitation.

We must move forward in faith, belief, and positivity. We must guard ourselves against doubt, disbelief, and negative thoughts. We must learn to feel, at all times, that there is an invincible power within us, which cannot fail, that is constantly bringing us to the realization of our own highest good. And to the highest good for all.

We have to become visionaries, holding the belief that we can be as we desire. Taking the vision as an existing fact which we are moving towards. Not a possibility, not a potential, but a truth which we are realizing.

“According to thy faith, so be it unto thee.”

The power flowing through us is unlimited, infinite, and eternal. Whether we use it to create limitation or freedom is entirely up to us, so let’s make the most of it!


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